
DME Kids Lesson61(83回目) i Talk English

[オンライン英会話] ブログ村キーワード






今日は Dictation で長~い文章のものを2つほど間違いなく書けたので満足♪




What's the past of sing?
The past of sing is sang.

Did you sing any songs at school last year?
No,I don't sing any songs at school last year.

Did your dad sing in the bathroom last week?
No,my dad didn't sing in the bathroom last week.

Did your mum sing you any songs when you were a baby.
Yes,my mum sang me some songs when I'm a baby.

What's the past of take?
The past of take is took.

Did your teacher take your class to the cinema last school year?
No,my teacher didn't take my class to the cinema last school year.

Did you take the garbage out last week?
Yes,I took the garbage out last week.

Did you take all your books home with you after the lesson?
Yes,I took all my books home with after the lesson.

What's the past of wear?
The past of wear is wore.

Did you wear any shoes on your feet last lesson?
No,I didn't wear any shoes my feet last lesson.

Did your mum wear any dresses last summer?
No,mum didn't wore any dresses last summer.

Did your dad wear a suit last sunday?
Yes,my dad wore a suit last sunday.

What's the past of think?
The past of think is thought.

Did you think about English last weekend?
Yes,I think about English last weekend.

Did you think about at the beginning of a new school year last August?
No,I didn't think about at the beginning of a new school year last August.


What do people generally say when they say guilty?
People generally say I'm sorry when they say guilty.

Do you always say I'm sorry when you feel guilty?
Yes,I always say I'm sorry when I feel guilty.

Do you feel guilty when you play with your mobile phone during the lesson?
Yes,I feel guilty when I play with your mobile phone during the lesson?

Do you feel guilty when you talk during the lesson?
No,I feel guilty when I talk during the lesson.

Do you ever feel tired after playing football?
Yes,I always feel tired after playing football.

Do you feel cold now?
No,I don't feel cold now.

Do people generally feel cold in summer?
No,people don't generally feel cold in summer, but they generally feel hot in summer.

What must we do when we feel cold in winter?
We must wear a jacket when we feel cold in winter.

What must we do when we feel hungry?
We must we eat something when we feel hungry.



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