
DME Kids Lesson L101(170回目) i Talk English

[オンライン英会話] ブログ村キーワード

すべてのsentenseがスムーズにいえませんでした。(>。< )

until nine o'clockっていわなきゃいけないのにuntil at nine o'clockって言ってしまうし、
begin schoolなのにbegin to schoolっていいそうになるし、English last lessonなのに
last English lessonっていうし、頭の中が混乱だらけでした。



今回のパートででてきた「have control over」と言うフレーズ。

前置詞 over について


ここのother, the other, another の違いはすごくためになりました。




What time does your English lesson begin?
My English lesson begins at 9 p.m..

What time did your last English lesson begin?
My last English lesson began at 10 p.m..

At what age do most children begin school?
Most children begin school at the age of six.

At what age did your mum begin school?
My mum began school at the age of six.

When did last season begin?
Last season began on the 23th of March.

Do you think it's a good idea to begin to work at the age of twelve?
No, I don't think it's a good idea to begin to work at the age of twelve.

Is an average child at the age of three able to play hide-and-seek?
No, an average child at the age of three isn't able to play hide-and-seek.


What time will you finish your lesson tonight?
I think I'll finish my lesson at 9:30 tonight.

What time did your lessons finish yesterday?
My lessons finished at 10:30 p.m. yesterday.

Do your parents ever let you watch TV until late at night?
Yes, my parents always let me watch TV until late at night.

Shall we stay in the classroom until at 9 o'clock this evening?
Yes, we shall stay in the classroom until at 9 o'clock this evening.

Do all shops stay open until 9 o'clock?
No, not all shops stay open until 9 o'clock.

Did your parents stay at a hotel last year?
Yes, my parents stayed at a hotel last year.

Did you stay at your grandparents last summer holidays?
No, I didn't stay at my grandparents last summer holidays.

Does the teacher usually ask you questions until the lesson finishes?
Yes, the teacher usually asks me questions until the lesson finishes.

Did the same teacher teach you both English and Math last year?
No, not the same teacher taught me both English and Math last year.

Do you know the name of the teacher who taught you English last lesson?
Yes, I know the name of the teacher who taught me English last lesson.


What do we call a grope of people who control a country?
The grope of people who control a country we call a Government.

Does the Government usually make the laws of a country?
Yes, the Government usually makes the laws of a country.

Do the people who work for the Government usually travel by train?
No, the people who work for the Government don't travel by train, but they usually travel by cars, planes, etc.

Would you like to work for the Government in the future?
No, I wouldn't like to work for the Government in the future.

Would you like to study law?
No, I wouldn't like to study law.

Do your parents have control over you?
No, my parents don't have control over me.



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