What's this?
It's a watch.
What's this?
It's clock.
What's this?
It's alarm clock.
Is this an alarm clock?
No, it's an alarm clock, but it's a watch.
Is this a watch?
No,it's a watch,but it's a clock.
Is this a clock?
No,it's is a cock, but it's an alarm clock.
Am I wearing a clock?
No,you're wearing a clock,but you're wearing a watch.
Are you wearing an alarm clock?
No,I'm not wearing an alarm clock,but I'm wearing a watch.
この「Am I wearing a clock?」の質問で「No!」で答えないといけないところを「Yes」と言ってしまった。(^^;)
Where do we keep cheese?
We keep cheese in the fridge.
Where do we keep butter?
We keep butter in the fridge.
Is there a fridge in your kitchen?
yes,there is a fridge in my kitchen.
Is there any food in your fridge?
Yes,there is some food in my fridge.
Is there any milk in your fridge?
Yes,there is some milk in my fridge.
Are there any egg in your fridge?
Yes,there are some eggs in my fridge.
Is there any butter in your pocket?
No,there isn't any butter in my pocket.
Is there any cheese under your chair?
No,there isn't any cheese under your chair.
What have I got in my right hand?
You have got a pen in your right hand.
What have I got in my left hand?
You have got nothing in your left hand.
What's there under the chair?
There's nothing under the chair .
What's there on your head?
There is nothing on my head.
Is Tom good at Maths?
Yes,Tom is good at Maths.
Is Betty good at Art?
Yes,Betty is good at Art.
Is Tom good at History?
No,Tom isn't good at History,he is bad at History.
Is Betty good at swimming?
No,Betty isn't good at Swimming,but he is bad at swimming.
Is Tom good at cooking?
No,Tom isn't good at cooking,he is bad at cooking.
Are you good at cooking?
Yes,I'm good at cooking.
How often does Mr Green visit his father?
Mr Green visit his father once a week.
How often does Tom his brush his teeth?
Tom brush his teeth twice a day.
How often does Betty wash her hair?
Betty wash her hair three times a week.
How often does Mrs Green go to the dentist?
Mrs Green go to the dentist once a month.
How often do you brush your teeth?
I brush my teeth twice a day.
How often do you to the dentist?
I go to the dentist once a month.
How often do you english school?
I go to the english school three times a week.
いつも最後に「質問は何かある?」って聞かれるんだけど、前回「I don't have any question.」って答えたから、
せっかく習った「have got」を使って答えようと思って、「No,I haven’t got any question.」って答えたら、
「I dont' have any questions.」ってチャットボックスに書いてくれた。
次回からやっぱり「I dont' have any questions.」で答えよう。
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