[オンライン英会話] ブログ村キーワード
「Does your mum always agree to let you go out with your friends?」
この質問の時になぜか頭がこんがらがってto let you go out の部分が出てこなくなり
オットセイのように「ou ou」と言ってしまい先生に笑われちゃいました。(^^;)
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Do you ever sulk?
Yes,I sometime sulk.
Do your classmates sulk a lot of?
No,my classmates don't sulk a lot.
Do you stop sulking quickly or do you sulk for a long time?
I stop sulking quickly.
Do you try to understand your friends when them sulk?
Yes,I try to understand my friends when them sulk.
Do you sometimes sulk when your parents don't let you what you want to do?
Yes,I sometimes sulk when my parents don't let me do what I want to do.
Do you ever sulk when your friends don't want to play hide-and-seek with you?
No,I never sulk when my friends don't want to play hide-and-seek with me.
Do you understand all the question the teacher asks you during the lesson?
No,I don't understand all the question the teacher asks me during the lesson, but sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.
Are all programs easy to understand for you?
Yes,all programs are easy to understand for me.
Is there any ice on the lakes in summer?
No,there isn't any ice on the lakes in summer.
Does ice have any flavour?
No,ice doesn't have any flavour.
Do people grow strawberries in this part of the country?
Yes,some people grow strawberries in this part of the country.
Do you like ice cream?
Yes,I like ice cream.
Did you eat much ice cream last summer?
No,I didn't eat much ice cream last summer, but I ate little ice cream last summer.
Which flavour do you like the most:chocolate,strawberry,vanilla?
I like chocolate flavour the most.
Would you like to live in a house made of ice cream?
No,I wouldn't like to live in a house made of ice cream.
What does the teast of chewing gum depend on?
The teast of chewing gum depends on flavour.
Which flavour of chewing gum do you like?
I like mint flavour.
Do you always agree with your friends?
No,I don't always agree with my friends.
Do you ever sulk when your friends disagree with you?
No,I never sulk when my friends disagree with me.
Do you agree that this chair made of glass?
No,I don't agree that this chair made of glass.
Does your mum always agree to let you go out with your friends?
Yes,my mum always agree to let me go out with my friends.
Do you agree that fumes smell pleasant?
No,I don't agree that fumes smell pleasant, but I disagree that fumes smell pleasant.
Do you agree it's a sunny day today?
Yes,I agree it's a sunny day today.
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