
DME Kids Lesson67(91回目) i Talk English

[オンライン英会話] ブログ村キーワード

Today, my boss treated you with some dinner.
treat ⇒ おごる

Do you ever help in laying the table?
I walways lay the table.
You lay the table?  No, you are bad.


No, not all food I eat is healthy, but some is healthy and some is unhealthy.
この回答でははじめ No, not all food と言っているので is でよいのに isn't って

今回はそのままBOOK4に進まず、BOOK3のAll Reviewをするつもりです。

lay the table ⇒ 食事の前にフォークやナイフを用意すること
help in ⇒ お手伝いする
food containing too much fat ⇒ 脂肪のたっぷり入った食品



Do you eat your dinner with your fingers or with cutlery?
I eat my dinner with cutlery.

What pieces of cutlery do we put on the table?
The pieces of cutlery we put on the table are spoon, knife and fork.

Do you help parents at home?
Yes, I help parents at home.

Which parson in your family generally lays the table?
I'm the parson in my family who generally lays the table.

Do you ever help in laying the table?
Yes, I always help in laying the table.

Which do you put first a plate or the cutlery?
I put a plate first.

When do people generally put napkins under the cutlery?
People generally put napkins under the cutlery on special occasion.

Can we buy cutlery made of plastic?
Yes, we can buy cutlery made of plastic.


What's the negative of will?
The negative of will is will not.

What's the contraction of will not?
The contraction of will not is won't.

Will I sit on the table next lesson?
No, you won't sit on the table next lesson.

Will you be in this room at night?
No, I won't be in this room at night.

Will we all go to your house after the lesson?
No, you all won't go to my house after the lesson.

Will it snow tomorrow?
No, it won't snow tomorrow.

Will the temperature be low tomorrow?
No, the temperature won't be low tomorrow.


Is all food you eat healthy?
No, not all food I eat is healthy, but some is healthy and some is unhealthy.

Is food containing too much fat healthy?
No, food containing too much fat isn't healthy, but it's unhealthy.

Are vitamins unhealthy?
No, vitamins aren't unhealthy, but they're healthy.

What must you eat if you want to be healthy?
I must eat vegetables if I want to be healthy.


Are there any caves near your town?
No, there aren't any caves near my town.

Do you have running water at home?
Yes, I have running water at home.

What do we call the people who lived in caves?
The people who lived in caves we call caveman.

Did caveman have running water and electricity?
No, caveman didn't have running water and electricity.

What did caveman do in order to have something to eat?
Caveman hunted wild animals in order to have something to eat.

Do some people still hunt wild animals?
Yes, some people still hunt wild animals.



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