
DME Kids Lesson 115(212回目) i Talk English & LingualBox

[オンライン英会話] ブログ村キーワード

TASK1 20/20
TASK2 20/20
TASK3 13/20
TASK4 16/20


willのすぐ後にsoonが入ってきたりして、will soon be readyと言わなきゃいけないのが
will be soon readyと言ってしまったり、非常にややこしいです。


Lingual Boxのレッスンは今日もVia先生のレッスン♪


currencies ⇒ 通貨



Do you hope there will be a robot in every house in the future?
Yes, I hope there will be a robot in every house in the future.

What would your mum say if you gave her a robot to help her in the housework?
If I gave my mum a robot to help her in the housework, she would say, Thank you so much. You are a good daughter.

Which country do you think makes the most robot in the world?
I think Japan makes the most robot in the world.

Would you like to have a robot to help you with your homework?
No, I wouldn't like to have a robot to help me with my homework.

Why not?
Because if a robot did my homework, I wouldn't remember anything.


Are you always ready with a quick answer?
No, I'm not always ready with a quick answer.

Are you always ready to help your best friend?
Yes, I always ready to help my best friend.

Are you going to make the dinner ready before your mum comes back from work tomorrow?
No, I'm not going to make the dinner ready before my mum comes back from work tomorrow.

How long does it takes you to get ready to leave for school in the morning?
It takes me about two hours to get ready to leave for school in the morning.

Do you hope you'll soon be ready to take stage six exam?
Yes, I hope I'll soon be ready to take stage six exam.

Do most children hope there will be enough snow to make a snowman next Christmas?
Yes, most children hope there will be enough snow to make a snowman next Christmas.

Do you hope you'll pass your next English exam?
Yes, I hope I'll pass my next English exam.

How do we say ready, steady, go! in your country?
In our country we say 位置について、用意、ドン!


Will it soon be possible for an average person to travel to the moon?
No, I don't think it will soon be possible for an average person to travel to the moon.

What are the three forms of fall?
The three forms of fall are fall-fell-fallen.

Did all leaves fall down last autumn?
No, not all leaves fell down last autumn.

What happens to leaves before they fall down?
Leaves turn red or yellow before they fall down.

Have you ever fallen out of bed at night?
Yes, I have fallen out of bed at night.

Did anybody in your family fall out of bed last night?
No, nobody in my family fell out of bed last night.

If your friend fell from her chair to the floor, what would you do?
If my friend fell from her chair to the floor, I would help her stand up.

Have any snowflakes fallen this month?
No, no snowflakes have fallen this month.

Did any snowflakes fall on your head yesterday?
No, no snowflakes fell on my head yesterday.



にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ にほんブログ村 花ブログへ にほんブログ村 花ブログ 屋上・ベランダ菜園へ にほんブログ村 花ブログ ハーブ園芸へ