What's the meaning of the word Monday?
The meaning of the word Monday is the first day of the week.
What's the meaning of the word kitchen?
The meaning of the word kitchin is a room for preparing meals.
How many days are there in a week?
There are seven days in a week.
Are there six days in a week?
No,there are six days in a week,but there are seven days in a week.
Which day is after Wednesday?
Thursday is after Wednesday.
Which day is after Monday ?
Tuesday is after Monday ?
Which is before Sunday?
Saturday is before Sunday.
Which is the first day of the week?
Monday is the first day of the week.
Which is the second day of the week?
Tuesday is the second day of the week.
Which is the third day of the week?
Wednesday is the third day of the week.
Is Monday the third day of the week?
No,Monday isn't the third day of the week,but it's the first day of the week.
Is Wednesday the first day of the week or second day of the week?
Wednesday is neither the first day of the week nor the second day,but it's the third day of the week.
What's this?
It's the alphabet.
What's this?
It's a letter.
What letter is this?
It's the letter A,D,H...etc.
What letter is before B?
A is before B.
What letter is after B?
C is after B.
What letter is after D?
E is after D.
What letter is after C?
B is after C.
Which is the first letter of the alphabet?
A is the first of the alphabet.
Which is the second letter of the alphabet?
B is the second of the alphabet.
Which is the third letter of the alphabet?
C is the third of the alphabet.
Is C the first letter of the alphabet?
No,C isn't first letter of the alphabet,but it's the third letter of the alphabet.
Is A the second letter of the alphabet?
No,A isn't second letter of the alphabet,but it's the first letter of the alphabet.
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