What day is today?
Today is wednesday.
What day was yesterday?
Yesterday was Tuesday.
What day will be tomorrow?
Tomorrow will be Thursday.
Today is Monday,what day was yesterday?
Yesterday was sunday.
Today is Monday,what day will be tomorrow?
Tomorrow will be tuesday.
Today is Friday,what day was yesterday?
Yesterday was Thursday.
Today is Friday,what day will be tomorrow?
Tomorrow will be Saturday.
What's this month?
This month is january.
What's last month?
Last month was December.
What's next month?
Next month will be February.
What's this year?
This year is two thousand and thirteen.
What's last year?
Last year was two thousand and twelve.
What's next year?
Next year will be two thousand and thirteen.
Who was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was famous composer.
When was he born?
He was born in 1756.
Who was Albert Einstein?
Albert Einstein was famous scientist.
Who was he born?
He was born 1879.
Who was Pablo Picaso?
Pablo Picaso was famous peinter.
Who was he born?
He was born 1881.
How many of the words are in the English language?
There are 8 groups of words in the English language.
What do we call these groups of words?
We call these groups of word PART OF SPEECH.
Are there any groups of words in Polish language?
Yes,there are some groups of words in Polish language.
What words are the Noun?
Noun is names of people,things,or places.
Give me an Example of a noun,please.
For example a word "chair" is a noun.
What words are the adjective?
Adjective is what people,things,or places are like.
Give me an Example of a adjective,please.
For example a word "pretty" is a adjective.
Is the word "BOOK" a adjective?
No,it isn't a adjective, but it's a noun.
Is the word "GO" a noun?
No,it isn't a noun, but it's a verb.
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