What's a piano made of?
A piano is made of wood.
Is a violin made of steel?
No,a violin isn't made of steel, but it's made of wood.
Can your mum play the violin?
No,my mum can't play the violin.
Do you learn to play the piano?
No,I don't learn to play the piano.
Do you want to learn to play the guitar?
No,I don't want to learn to play the guitar.
Do you want a guitar for your birthday?
No,I don't want a guitar for my birthday.
Are there any children who learn to play the violin in your school?
No,there aren't any children who learn to play the violin in my school.
Whose book is this?
That book is yours.
Whose pen is that?
This pen is mine.
Whose book is that?
That book is hers.
Whose chair is that?
That chair is his.
Whose books are these?
These books are ours.
Whose chairs are those?
Those chairs are theirs
Whose bag is that?
That bag is his.
Is that bag mine?
No,that bag isn't yours, but it's his.
Is that pen hers?
No,this pen isn't hers, but it's mine.
Is this watch his?
No,that watch isn't his watch ,but it's yours.
Which do you prefer tea with with or without sugar?
I prefer tea without sugar.
Does tea without sugar taste sweet?
No,tea without sugar doesn't taste sweet,but it tastes bitter.
Which do you prefer milk chocolate or bittar chocolate ?
I prefer bittar chocolate .
What is chocolate made from?
Chocolate made from milk, sugar and cocoa.
Which does your mum prefer tea or coffee?
My mum prefer coffee.
Which does she drink with her breakfast tea or coffee.
She drinks coffee with her breakfast.
Does your dad drinks coffee?
Yes,my dad drinks coffee.
Does your dad put any milk and sugar in his coffee?
Yes,my dad put some milk and sugar in his coffee.
Do people generally eat dinner without a fork?
No,people generally don't eat dinner without a fork,but they eat dinner with a fork.
Does your tongue move when you chew gum?
Yes,my tongue move when I chew gum.
Do children generally sit completely still in the lesson?
No,children don't generally sit completely still in the lesson,but they move.
Is your tongue still when you speak?
No,my tongue don't still when you speak,but it moves.
Do you always chew gum after eating?
No,I don't always chew bum after eating, but sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.
Does your grandmother likes chewing gum?
No,my grandmother doesn't like chewing gum.
Does your mum sometimes sit completely still when she watches TV series?
Yes,my mum sit completely still when she watches TV series.
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